Health authorities in Tamil Nadu are worried about the health status of about 1,500 people from Tamil Nadu, who reportedly attended a Tablighi Jamaat conference in Nizamuddin, Delhi. Of the 17 samples tested among the group that had returned, 16 persons tested positive, 14 in Erode district itself. Coronavirus | Helpline numbers | Interactive map of confirmed coronavirus cases in IndiaThe authorities are even more concerned that they do not have the list of all 1,500 people who attended the conference. Of the eight who tested positive on March 29, four patients — 47, 48, 49, and 50 — were all from Erode, the government’s release said. “We have to monitor everyone in the group now, given the current situation and appeal to everyone who attended the conference to volunteer information.
Source: The Hindu March 29, 2020 19:30 UTC